Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2022

SENGAK WATER Nature Tour Central Bengkulu (Cold Water)

SENGAK WATER Nature Tour Central Bengkulu (Cold Water)

Air Sengak tourism object in the rejang tribal language dictionary means Cold Water, where this tour is on the rise and is very crowded with local and out-of-town tourists, in addition to the cold water and the natural atmosphere and location which is very supportive for us to relax with family, while eating. food and we can be angry around the water.

The Air Sengak tourist attraction, which is located in Tanjung Heran Village, Taba Penanjung District, Central Bengkulu Regency, has begun to be visited by tourists in recent months. although the location is not strategic or on the side of the road, but the tourists have been many and many who visit there.


This tour has been getting busier recently since the government started planning to return to normal, due to the Covid-19 pandemic so many visitors are afraid to come there and with restrictions from the local government, so the villagers do not dare to open large/lots of visitors who want to come there.

According to the stories of some residents there, the potential of the village has existed for a long time, but because of the lack of attention from the local government to empower the location, it is a bit late to develop compared to other tours, what if the road access to the location is adequate and good, of course the visitors will increase to get there.

Thank God, thanks to the mutual cooperation of the villagers to start building roads and several supporting buildings for the tourist attraction, there have been changes that are getting better and more adequate, although not as expected, but visitors can access the location more easily. Local residents continue to try to improve all existing facilities, so that visitors are more comfortable to enjoy these attractions.

Although the existing semi-permanent road access does not discourage visitors or cancel going to the location, as evidenced by the minimal facilities there are still many visitors who come even since the COVID-19 pandemic has decreased, many visitors who come here even from various regions including Lubuk Linggau South Sumatra, it means that it is proven that this Air Sengak tourist attraction provides its own charm.

Indeed there is a very good location, the place is clean, comfortable and the water is very cold, so we can swim with the children, if the visitors want to swim in a deep place there is also, there is also a small waterfall that is very heavy, we can soak and enjoy environment while playing with family.

Visitors who come from Bengkulu City or from outside the area will always say that the atmosphere at Air Sengak is still very beautiful, there is no trash scattered about, the administrators and local residents always maintain the cleanliness, so that it is comfortable for visitors because it is one of the best places to visit. its own attraction.

Air Sengak is highly recommended for Bengkulu people or outside Bengkulu Province to invite family and relatives on vacation here. definitely guaranteed not to lose and regret it, because it is a beautiful and comfortable natural treat.

From Bengkulu City we travel approximately 40 minutes, and to get to the location of the waterfall it is 1.5 kilometers from the edge of the main road, to enter we can use two-wheeled vehicles or on foot, for four-wheeled vehicles must be parked outside on the side of the road. main in front of the alley.

This is where the obstacles for visitors and local residents because they have to prepare land for visitors who bring four-wheeled vehicles, vehicles cannot park directly inside tourist sites, but take it easy for visitors, there the residents maintain security well, so we no need to worry about leaving the vehicle there.

So visitors who use cars because they can't enter and are lazy to walk inside on foot, we can rent a motorbike from local residents at a price of Rp. 10 thousand to enter the waterfall tour, but for those who like to walk, go ahead, for me, it's better than riding a motorbike. nice to walk, because we can enjoy the natural beauty around and see the rice fields of residents on either side of the road along the way.

Arriving at the tourist location, visitors are only charged a security and cleaning fee of Rp. 5 thousand per motorbike, the entrance fee is very cheap with adequate facilities, so we can enjoy the natural beauty to our heart's content, until we feel bored.

The tourists who want to try the natural atmosphere, spicy and extensive rice fields as well as the flow of waterfalls and rivers that are very cold, then this is where we can enjoy it at once.

So please come and try this tourist attraction located in Central Bengkulu, Air Sengak Nature Tourism in Central Bengkulu.

#SENGAK WATER Nature Tour Central Bengkulu (Cold Water)

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